
Obsidian Christmas Countdowns

Obsidian Christmas Countdowns

Christmas Countdown in Obsidian with DataviewJS

As the holidays draw near, you can bring some festive spirit to your Obsidian vault with a Christmas Countdown. By using DataviewJS and moment.js, you can easily create a countdown timer that will display the number of days, hours, and minutes left until Christmas.

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Here’s the code for the Christmas Countdown:

// Christmas Countdown
const today = moment();
const christmas = moment(`${today.year()}-12-25`, "YYYY-MM-DD");
if (today.isAfter(christmas)) christmas.add(1, 'year');
const daysToChristmas = christmas.diff(today, 'days');
const hoursToChristmas = christmas.diff(today, 'hours') % 24;
const minutesToChristmas = christmas.diff(today, 'minutes') % 60;
const christmasContainer = this.container;
christmasContainer.createEl("h1", { text: `🎄 Countdown to Christmas 🎅` });
christmasContainer.createEl("p", { text: `${daysToChristmas} days, ${hoursToChristmas} hours, and ${minutesToChristmas} minutes left!` });

Christmas Countdown Script Explanation

This script calculates how much time is left until Christmas and displays it in a neat format. The countdown is updated in real time, and you can even adjust the code to show the countdown for other events, like New Year’s!

How It Works:

  • Set the Date: The script sets the target date for Christmas, and if today is already past Christmas, it automatically shifts the countdown to next year.
  • Calculate Time Difference: It calculates the days, hours, and minutes remaining.
  • Display the Countdown: The script creates two elements in your Obsidian note — a heading (h1) and a paragraph (p) — to display the remaining time.

Why Use This?

  • Real-time Countdown: The countdown dynamically adjusts based on the current date, ensuring it’s always accurate.
  • Fun Addition: Adding little scripts like this one makes your notes more interactive and fun!
  • Customization: You can tweak the script for other important events or even use different date formats.

Give it a try, and feel free to add a personal touch to your countdown! 🎉

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